

LITKRAFT team was very friendly and provided an excellent service, I would definitely recommend it to others. I was very happy working with them, as everyone I have spoken to have been polite and understanding.


I am very impressed with the service provided. Thanks to LITKRAFT assistant I was able to prove my innocence. Third party was denying the damages suffered, but we never gave up, resulting in a settlement of compensation that I was really happy with.


If you had an accident – immediately call LITKRAFT. They are true professionals and it really shows, as they can tell you straight away if you have a case. When I had another accident I emailed all details to them and they called me back within 20 min


Great company, fantastic staff who are just a phone call away to help. They were very patient in explaining every document received from solicitors or doctors. When we first started the claims process, the other party tried to deny liability, but LITKRAFT solicitor fought my case in court and won it. I was delighted with the process and I couldn’t have asked for anything more from LITKRAFT.

Mr G.Endriuska £27000

“I am very grateful to LITKRAFT for such great work. Thanks to their fantastic effort I have been awarded £27,000 in compensation”.


After an accident I suffered neck, elbow, back, knee injuries and psychological trauma. As a result, I have not been able work. For a while I had to rely on state benefits and support from the relatives. Luckily, LITKRAFT managed to secure an interim payment to ease the hardship.

The insurers disputed my injuries. Also, it took longer than expected for me to recover, wherefore I had to be re-examined numerous times. Fortunately, LITKRAFT accompanied me to all examinations, provided interpretation and helped me complete the required paperwork.


The whole process took almost 3 years. There were times when I thought the insurers were just wasting my time. Even my friends started joking that I will never get a compensation. LITKRAFT team were the only ones who kept me motivated to carry on with the claim. If anything happens to me again I will definitely contact LITKRAFT.