

Covid-19 outbreak

UPDATE: 17 April 2020 Deadlines and court dates We’ll work with you to identify any upcoming deadlines and milestones, such as medical appointments, court dates, which may be affected, and act accordingly. Personal injury industry is also adapting to the circumstances and starting new ways of working to increase the use of technology and enable […]


Success story! Client awarded more than £320k

On the day of the accident our client parked the car and walked on the pavement to work. He had done the walk many times before without incident. That day the driver lost control of his vehicle, mounted the kerb colliding into him and knocking him to the ground. As a result he sustained multiple […]


SEKMĖS ISTORIJA! Klientė iškovojo £100K

SEKMĖS ISTORIJA! Po sunkios traumos LITKRAFT klientė iškovojo £100 tūkst. Prieš septynerius metus į Didžiąją Britaniją atvykusi LITKRAFT klientė nesitikėjo, kad jos gyvenimas gali šitaip pasikeisti. Nugarą lenkusi dirbdama sunku fizinį darbą patyrė skaudžią traumą, po kurios jai prireikė net keleto sudėtingų operacijų. Į Jungtinę Karalystę LITKRAFT klientė atvyko nemokėdama anglų kalbos, tačiau vistiek sugebėjo […]


What Can I Do to Speed Up My Personal Injury Claim?

HOW DO I SPEED UP A PERSONAL INJURY CASE CLAIM? A personal injury claim is a lengthy process. Often your injuries must first reach a point of being medically stationary, so that the damages could be accounted properly. Afterwards, there comes the filing of the claim, the wait for defendant to response to a claim, […]


Why My Claim is Taking so Long?

Why My Claim is Taking so Long? Every day people ask us: “how long it will take to settle?” or “why is it taking so long”. Unfortunately, there isn’t a straight forward answer to these questions. There is no ‘formula’ which could tell how long a compensation claim will take to settle. There are so […]
